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  • Kristen

What To Do for Teacher Appreciation Week as an Education Company

As frontline workers for the past three school years, teachers deserve immense amounts of appreciation every day. However, Teacher's Appreciation Week, May 1 to May 8, 2022, is a reminder that there are things to do for teacher appreciation week to tell teachers how much they are appreciated.

Showing empathy and support for teachers is especially important for an education company. It's a moment to show that you are human and aware that much more is going on during their day than buying your product. It's also a way for you to show your thanks to loyal customers. Doing something for Teacher Appreciation Week will help show that your company cares about more than selling products.

Are you wondering what to do for Teacher Appreciation Week as an education company? Here are 7 ideas:

  1. Surprise some of your best teacher customers with a free lunch or snack sent to the school

  2. Give teachers a shout-out on your social media posts

  3. Highlight positive things teachers have done on your blog

  4. Send an email with a thoughtful message

  5. Present an award to top teachers recognizing their hard work

  6. Give teachers a special discount on your product

  7. Give teachers something for free that you would typically charge for

You know your business best so choose the approach that fits your brand and business the most. If you don't know your customers well enough to be genuine, you shouldn't celebrate Teacher's Appreciation Week. If you're putting something together, but keep wanting to include a sales message, don't do it! It's better not to participate than come across as insensitive. The most important consideration for Teacher's Appreciation Week is to be authentic in however you decide to show your appreciation.


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