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The 4 Best Tutoring Websites with Effective Marketing Messages

Your website is your company's most important marketing asset. It's your front-line salesperson. When people hear about your company, research on their own, or see your other marketing items, their next step will be to visit your website and look around. Your website is critical for making a strong first impression to bring in leads and customers. 

One key component of a website is its messaging—the story it tells visitors about the company. You want your website messages to be relatable and informative for prospective new customers coming to the site. To give some examples of effective website messaging, we're highlighting four of the best tutoring websites we've come across recently.

How We Chose the Best Tutoring Websites

There are a lot of tutoring websites out there, so to help us focus on which to evaluate, we decided to look at the tutoring and test prep websites that made it onto the Holon IQ 2023 North America list of the most promising edtech startups. Unlike established public tutoring companies with big marketing budgets, these companies work with limited marketing resources and need their messaging to work hard for them.

Impactful website messaging tells a narrative related to what the company or product does. Humans, by nature, are drawn to stories about how a product helps people more than the functionality and features of the product. Therefore, when evaluating the best tutoring websites, we looked at homepage messaging that:

  • emphasizes benefits and solutions vs. product features

  • shows an understanding of their target audiences

  • has substance and is not generic

A Look at Messaging on the Best Tutoring Sites

Let's take a look at the four best tutoring sites based on the stories they tell through their marketing messaging. They all lead with the student outcomes and approach how they explain what they do differently.


Focused on customer insights.

Prenda's homepage right away shows that they get who they are targeting. They understand their target audience is self-starters who are in research mode and come to their website to explore the microschools concept. For first-time website visitors, they drive people to a landing page with a video clip from a webinar and a free download for people to learn about microschools.

They also know they have different types of people interested in their product and highlight each on their homepage.


Back up what they say with no fluff.

The headline on YaizY's homepage straightforwardly explains the benefit of their courses. Right away, visitors know who the courses are for and how they help students. Front and center, they feature an auto-play video of their product experience that catches your eye. They back up their headline with strong proof points throughout the homepage, including a stat and reputable brand names associated with their courses and student outcomes.

Ignite Reading

Draw visitors in with emotion.

Ignite Reading's homepage immediately invokes emotion with a photo of a young student using their product. The headline nicely ties into the image by highlighting the benefit of their product to young learners. As you scroll the homepage, you see more photos of young students learning, along with a colorful graphic with results from their program.


Humanize their product.

Numerade's website starts with a relatable headline with a bit of a humorous undertone. As you scroll down the page, they do a good job incorporating "social proof:" examples of people who had success with their product. They have an eye-catching video of a student that auto-plays along with a scrolling list of colleges their students are from.

The best tutoring websites tell a story through their marketing messages. They don't lead with what their products do with buzzwords or jargon. Instead, their homepages draw people in through messaging that highlights customer insights, emotion, and proof. 

As you review your own website, find ways to bridge what your customers care about with the benefits of your product to hook people in. As they scroll through the other pages of your website, they will learn more about your product details and features and eventually reach out to learn more directly from you!

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